BluOS Announces Integration with Xiami Music

Hi-Res and MQA Content Available to Xiami’s SVIP Customers on BluOS Devices.
17 JULY, 2020, TORONTO, CANADA – BluOS™, the premium multi-room music management platform by Lenbrook International, has announced the launch of an initial integration of Xiami Music’s SVIP music streaming service tier, featuring a selection of high resolution and MQA encoded content for China-based audiophiles and music lovers. Users of BluOS Enabled devices from NAD Electronics, Bluesound, DALI Loudspeakers, and Monitor Audio, will be prompted to update their players to receive the latest version of the software, which will allow Xiami Music SVIP subscribers to add and log in to the service.
The development represents the first time that high resolution and MQA encoded content is available to Chinese consumers through a natively-integrated streaming service.
“For audiophiles and music lovers who value convenience, this is an important first step in giving them access to content that delivers an in-studio experience,” says Andrew Haines, BluOS Product Manager. “As Xiami Music works to bring more HRA and MQA content onto their platform, we remain ready to service the consumers who demand high quality audio delivered in a convenient way.”
BluOS, the original hi-res multi-room audio ecosystem, is an ideal integration partner for its ability to decode High Resolution Audio (HRA) content, delivering up to 6.5x more audio data than CDs. When combined with MQA’s unique technology, available in all BluOS Enabled devices, audiophiles and music lovers can enjoy the full nuance and detail of the original recording.
“Artists, Producers and Audio Engineers create their music in high resolution because it is the best way to capture the original performance,” explains Mike Jbara, MQA CEO. “Now music fans can enjoy that same original quality when they combine MQA music from Xiami and MQA playback ability from BluOS devices. We are very excited about these partnerships and the way they are changing musical experiences in China.”
The launch of BluOS’s integration with Xiami’s SVIP streaming service coincides with the International Indie Music Season (IIMS), China’s largest ever online music industry event. Alongside Xiami Music, MQA, and creative agency AKQA, Bluesound, a BluOS hardware partner, is taking part in a music technology panel on July 19th, 2020, at IIMS. The event is expected to be watched by millions and aims to provide a platform for the global music business to meet and exchange ideas, including the importance of HRA and MQA content for music fans.
BluOS™ is the original hi-res multi-room audio ecosystem that manages stored and cloud music sources and playback, with support for audio streams up to 24/192. Adopted by some of the most renowned hi-fi audio brands and integrated with numerous smart home and voice control systems, BluOS allows for interoperability among enabled devices across brands for maximum versatility and use cases. Integrations with popular streaming music services like Tidal, Spotify, and Deezer, as well as featuring support for FLAC, WAV, MQA, and other high-resolution formats and codecs, BluOS offers virtually unlimited access to music of all genres for any occasion. Made up of an operating system and a control application for smartphones, tablets, and PC desktops, BluOS is the ultimate choice for the modern audiophile.
Lenbrook International, a subsidiary of the Lenbrook Group of Companies, is the owner and manufacturer of award-winning brands for home audio and residential install applications. Its full suite of products from NAD Electronics, PSB Speakers, Bluesound wireless multi-room players, and Bluesound Professional commercial audio, are distributed in over 80 countries, while its BluOS hi-res distributed audio platform continues to be adopted by some of the world’s leading premium audio brands.
Corporate Contact
June Ip
Marketing, Lenbrook International
(Chinese translated version below)
虾米SVIP 会员将可以在所有BluOS 设备上收听超高清MQA 格式音频
2020/7/17, 多伦多 – Lenbrook International 集团旗下多房间音乐管理平台BluOS™正式宣 布与虾米音乐合作第一阶段启动。中国的发烧友和音乐爱好者将可以通过虾米音乐SVIP 会员服务获得MQA 音频技术支持的超高清(Hi-Res Audio – HRA)音乐。
此次合作是全球知名无损音频解码技术公司MQA 首次与国内流媒体平台合作,并以原生 集成的方式向中国消费者提供服务。届时,使用BluOS 系统的NAD、Bluesound、DALI、 Monitor Audio 音响设备使用者会收到软件更新的自动提醒,更新后,虾米音乐SVIP 会员 可以在设备上登录账户并直接享受超高音质的听觉盛宴
“对于重视便捷的发烧友和音乐迷来说,此次合作是使他们享受到录音室母带体验非常重 要的一步。”BluOS 产品经理Andrew Haines 说道,“随着虾米音乐将更多的HRA 和 MQA 格式音乐添加到他们的平台上,我们将时刻准备好为追求超高音质的用户提供最便 捷的聆听方式。”
作为领先的多房间无损音乐共享及播放平台,BluOS 是虾米音乐持续为用户提供最佳听觉 体验的最佳合作伙伴。BluOS 拥有强大技术用以解码高解析音频 ,提供相当于普通CD 的 6.5 倍音频数据。BluOS 的解码技术加上MQA 的超前科技将让发烧友和音乐爱好者体验 到前所未有的母带还原度和动人细节。
“艺术家、制作人和音乐工程师往往选择使用超高清音质进行创作,因为这是记录演出现 场最好的方式,”MQA 公司CEO Mike Jbara 说道,“现在,随着虾米音乐开始提供MQA 格式的音乐,并有BluOS 系统对MQA 格式的播放支持,音乐迷们也能享受到如录音现场 般的音乐。此次合作将给中国听众带来变革性的音乐体验,对此我们感到非常激动。”
BluOS 与虾米音乐的合作揭晓当天,恰逢2020年上海国际独立音乐季(IIMS)开幕。这场国 内迄今为止最大规模的音乐行业线上活动预计将有数百万名观众,活动意在为全球音乐从 业者提供一个交流平台。BluOS 将在2020年7月19日与虾米音乐、MQA、雅酷AKQA 和Bluesound 共同主持一场圆桌会议,探讨HRA 和MQA 等科技给音乐产业带来的改变和 贡献
BluOS™是一个领先的多房间无损音乐共享及播放平台,可支持到24/192采样率的音乐。 BluOS 内置于很多HIFI品牌产品,并支持市场上最主流的智能中控系统和语音控制,同 时BluOS 能支持跨品牌控制。BluOS 内置了如Tidal,Spotify,Deezer,虾米音乐等优秀 的流媒体平台,同时也支持FLAC、WAV、MQA 等音乐格式,软件可在手机、平板电脑 和PC 上使用,BluOS 将会是现代音乐追求者最好的选择。
Lenbrook International 是一家优秀影音品牌的拥有者和制造商,旗下拥有了NAD Electronics,PSB Speakers,Bluesound 三个品牌,在全球80个国家畅销,同时其所拥有 的BluOS 系统持续地被越来越多的顶级影音品牌所采用。
June Ip
全球市场副总裁, Lenbrook International